Essential Question

What is the best way to create a yearbook that reflects your student population?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Blog 10: Senior Project Update

      So, the yearbook is well under way! After hours and hours and HOURS of working on our cover and endsheets, they are all turned in and complete. And, if I do say so myself, they look pretty lovely. 
      I have to say, my second interview with Mimi was awesome. In addition to that interview, she always helps so much when she comes to school and teaches my fellow editors and tells us everything that we don't know. And because of it, our book is going to be SO much better.
      I would post a picture of the cover, but I kind of want it to stay a surprise for when the book comes out. BUT! Here is the picture that yearbook is using on Facebook. The cover is along the same lines, including the color and the overall concept of the picture.