Mimi Orth is one of the most flawless women that I have ever met. Aside from the fact that her fashion sense is incredible, her hair is never out of place, and her shoes are inspirational, she loves yearbook. I mean, she loves it more than I do. She is the representative from Herff Jones (our publisher) that comes to our elective block every other week and tells us what looks awesome and what just needs to be thrown away and never thought about again. Therefore, I plan on interviewing her about the crazy life of a full time yerd.
Though I encourage my staffers to always go in to an interview with prepared questions, by no means does that mean to me that they can't discuss other things, as well. Also, I have a confession to make...I've never actually sat down and written out questions before an interview. I know, I'm horrible. But since Mimi generally has a way of intimidating me, I guess that I should be more prepared. And what might I ask this wonderful woman that has invaluable yearbook information radiating off of her perfectly put together being?
Probably something like this:
- What are three specific tips that you can give me about yearbook to make it so that my brain doesn't explode?
- How can I make it so that I feel confident that my staff is going to regularly turn in their assignments in on time (without using a contract)?
- Have you ever become tired of yearbook? How do you get beyond the stress and exhaustion to still create a beautiful spread?
- How did you get in to yearbook? What made you stay?
- How many schools do you go to? How does each school differ in terms of training strategies and classroom rules?
- What is your favorite part about yearbook?
Really, I have a thousand and a half more questions that I would love to ask her, but I guess I'll save those for another interview.
Oh! Now might be a good time to mention that Mimi also goes to my church and I've had a relationship with her for a lot longer than I've been on yearbook. She's always been a bit of a role model; you know, one of those people that is just really cool to you and you always kind of gawk over their awesomeness while trying not to look dumb? Well, that's Mimi for me. I'm really stoked about working a lot more with her, while hoping that some of her yearbook magic will rub off onto me.
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