Essential Question

What is the best way to create a yearbook that reflects your student population?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blog 6: Interview #2 Questions

Mimi Orth is a yearbook rockstar. For my second interview, I get to prove this. What might I ask her to prove that her yearbook knowledge is incredible? Simple.
1. How did you get in to yearbook?
2. Where does Herff Jones operate?
3. Explain exactly what it is that your job entails.
4. How many years have you been in this business? How has the craft changed in that amount of time?
5. Can you give me a brief history of Herff Jones?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blog 4: Working EQ

        So, my official title in yearbook last year was Assistant Copy Editor. Technically, I wasn't even in entirely in charge of the copy in the book. Therefore, this year, it was a bit overwhelming knowing that I would have to walk in to class every Tuesday and Friday with a plan ready for the 86 minutes that we have yearbook, and lead the class. Now, since we have our research checks every week, I've read about 12 articles from my editor handbook.
        Oh my goodness.
        Let me tell you, this book is literally a gift from heaven. Not only does it have fantastic ideas for lesson plans, but it also has every little detail about yearbook that one may ever wonder about addressed at some point or another. As a result? Yearbook is running like a well oiled machine. If I do say so myself.
        Talking to Mimi last week was one of the best things I could have done to better my knowledge on yearbook. Hearing her talk about it as way more than just a high school yearbook helped me to realize that it's way more than a student publication; it's a work of art. People really don't appreciate how much work goes in to making a yearbook, but those spreads don't design themselves, and copy doesn't just appear...especially not GOOD copy. Mimi pointed out that it's really just like a magazine rather than a "simple" book. So, now I have an even bigger drive to make this year's book really phenomenal because it's so much bigger than everyone realizes.
        As far as the senior project goes, I think that being required to dive this far into studying yearbook has really helped me understand it so much more. To be honest, I think it has and will continue to make me an even better Editor in Chief. Don't get me wrong; that editor handbook I was talking about? I've already read the whole thing. But the fact that I'm now being forced to pick apart those articles has helped me grow as a yerd in leaps and bounds.
        The only part of this project that has baffled me is the science project. But really, that's only because of the fact that I haven't sat down with Melogno and really talked to her about what exactly it is about yearbook that I can turn in to a science project.
        Though my editor handbook may as well be an entity that I worship, I still want to know more about how to run a class effectively and how I can get the most from my staffers. I mean, I just met most of them two weeks ago. Therefore, Elissa Fultz (also known as the EiC for the 2011-2012 book) is the absolutely the most perfect person to talk to. The girl ran the elective almost flawlessly and produced a book that any school, anywhere would be thrilled with. 
        What do I want to get out of my senior project? Simple; an amazing yearbook. One with no typos or filler text. One where every dominant photo makes the reader relive that moment. Or even a book that can make someone smile.

        Good thing I'm not mushy or cheesy or anything.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog 5A: Problem Statement

        My senior topic is yearbook. Though one might think that most of the student population might want to buy a book every year to look back and laugh at dumb hairdo's in a few years, this is not the case; not enough students buy a book every year. If I can figure out why some students don't buy a copy, I can pass that information on to the editorial staff for next year to help them succeed.
        In addition to the sales of the yearbooks not being high enough, a lot of people seem to think that the money that we use to make the books just magically falls into my hands. Well, that's not exactly how it works. This year, we are having particular trouble with funds, and are doing our best to come up with creative ways to earn the amount of money that we need. Once we figure out the best method to fund raise, we can not only help our future books to succeed, but can provide new ideas to help other schools with their monetary troubles.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blog 3: First Interview Preparation

        Mimi Orth is one of the most flawless women that I have ever met. Aside from the fact that her fashion sense is incredible, her hair is never out of place, and her shoes are inspirational, she loves yearbook. I mean, she loves it more than I do. She is the representative from Herff Jones (our publisher) that comes to our elective block every other week and tells us what looks awesome and what just needs to be thrown away and never thought about again. Therefore, I plan on interviewing her about the crazy life of a full time yerd.
        Though I encourage my staffers to always go in to an interview with prepared questions, by no means does that mean to me that they can't discuss other things, as well. Also, I have a confession to make...I've never actually sat down and written out questions before an interview. I know, I'm horrible. But since Mimi generally has a way of intimidating me, I guess that I should be more prepared. And what might I ask this wonderful woman that has invaluable yearbook information radiating off of her perfectly put together being?
        Probably something like this:

  • What are three specific tips that you can give me about yearbook to make it so that my brain doesn't explode?
  • How can I make it so that I feel confident that my staff is going to regularly turn in their assignments in on time (without using a contract)?
  • Have you ever become tired of yearbook? How do you get beyond the stress and exhaustion to still create a beautiful spread?
  • How did you get in to yearbook? What made you stay?
  • How many schools do you go to? How does each school differ in terms of training strategies and classroom rules?
  • What is your favorite part about yearbook?
        Really, I have a thousand and a half more questions that I would love to ask her, but I guess I'll save those for another interview.
        Oh! Now might be a good time to mention that Mimi also goes to my church and I've had a relationship with her for a lot longer than I've been on yearbook. She's always been a bit of a role model; you know, one of those people that is just really cool to you and you always kind of gawk over their awesomeness while trying not to look dumb? Well, that's Mimi for me. I'm really stoked about working a lot more with her, while hoping that some of her yearbook magic will rub off onto me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blog 2: Yearbook

I know. That came out  of the blue.

       Believe it or not, I'm going to be focusing on yearbook for my senior project. I have no choice, seeing that the EiC of the yearbook has to research it as their topic, but to me, it's much more than that.
       Yearbook has become my life. I'm a little bit more obsessed with it than any normal teenager should be, but it's the stress inducing details that come with the territory that I live for. Really, I wouldn't want to be focusing on anything else for my last year of high school.
       Though a majority of the next nine months of my life are going to be spent sitting in the corner of Strand's room, while angrily telling the freshmen who are unlucky enough to have his class during fourth block to stop talking so much, yearbook will really help me to become more involved in our school. Think about it: I will be picking apart bad copy that sophomores turn in about iFest, photoshopping underexposed pictures of winter formal, or tweaking a mod design over and over until it's just right. I'm going to be forced to attend every event, and stalk the other people that are there, too. And at the end of the year, most of our small iPoly family will be holding my product in their hands. As a yearbook staff, we capture the year, and turn it in to something beautiful so that everyone can relive it whenever they fancy.
        I really do pity any sorry soul that gets stuck with me as an interviewer. I like to think that I have a bubbly personality, but to most underclassmen, it really just comes off as scary. As I continue to perfect my interviewing skills, I will be talking to a LOT of iPolyians. Therefore, my communication skills will grow along with every question that I ask, and the conversation that follows.
        Like I've said previously, I don't feel like I know all of the answers; I still have huge amounts of information that I need to learn about yearbook. Trust me, I'm going to be hanging on to every word that Mimi says when she comes to check out our progress on our book (p.s. Mimi is our representative for Herff Jones, and she's fabulous. Once you see her shoes, you'll know). Working with Mimi is certainly going to teach me incredible amounts of invaluable information that I'm going to need in order to make this perfect book in my brain become a reality. As I learn from her, it will open my mind to realize that no, I'm not perfect, and I need to sometimes get over myself and listen to what other (wiser?) people might have to say. Consider my mind to have been opened.
        Though I can't say that I've become an expert when it comes to InDesign, I CAN say that I am able to successfully navigate the program. It's way harder than it might appear. Trust me. Aside from the fact that I can operate Microsoft Word and Paint, I have trouble with most other computer-y things (that's a technical term). But once you've sat at a computer for long enough with InDesign open, while you try to move those stupid little gray boxes with the 'text' tool, you learn a few things. Since a basic knowledge of running programs like Photoshop is essential, it is vital for me to reach out of my technological comfort zone, and learn how to do more than press CTRL Z.